Remote Configs


Remote Config enables you to define global attributes that you can use with any rule & actions on the Nected platform. These are like environment variables that can be set for the entire platform.

You can define the following four types of attributes under Remote Config:

  • Boolean – The true/false or on/off attributes.

  • Numeric – The numeric value attributes, such as discount percentage.

  • String – The string value attributes, such as brand name.

  • Date – The data attributes, such as start date and end date.

Note: You cannot leave the global attribute value field blank. You must always provide a value for every global attribute.

The following figure shows the Remote Config page of the Nected platform:

Creating Global Attributes

The following procedure shows you how to add a new global attribute on the Nected platform:

  1. Log into Nected with your Email ID and password.

  2. Click Remote Config in the left navigation to open the Remote Config page.

  3. Click + Add Value and select an attribute type, such as Numeric.

  4. Provide the attribute name in the Key field and enter the attribute value in the corresponding field.

  5. Click Save to save the attribute.

After you save the attribute, you can use it in any of the rules.

Modifying Global Attributes

Update value of a global attribute to modify the attribute value throughout the rules that are using this attribute.

The following procedure shows you how to update an existing global attribute on the Nected platform:

  1. Log into Nected with your Email ID and password.

  2. Click Remote Config in the left navigation to open the Remote Config page.

  3. Edit the attribute value and click Update against the attribute name.

Deleting Global Attributes

The following procedure shows you how to delete an existing global attribute from the Nected platform:

  1. Log into Nected with your Email ID and password.

  2. Click Remote Config in the left navigation to open the Remote Config page.

  3. Click the delete icon against the attribute name.

    The Delete Attribute dialogue box opens.

  4. Click Delete to confirm the delete operation.

After you delete the attribute, you must remove it from any rule that uses this global attribute.

Last updated