Control Nodes

Control Nodes are pivotal in orchestrating the flow of operations within a Nected workflow. Unlike Action Nodes that perform actions, Control Nodes manage how and when actions occur, influencing the workflow’s logic and timing.

Types of Control Nodes

  1. Loop Node: Loop Node operates like a loop in typical coding. Use it to run repeated tasks or iterate over data sets inside your workflows. This node reduces manual labor and streamlines processes to iterate over multiple items/records present in the flow.

  2. Delay Node: Introduces a wait time or pause before the next action in a workflow is taken. This is particularly useful for timing-dependent operations, such as waiting for a rate-limited API to become available or spacing out email notifications.

  3. Response Node: Used primarily in workflows that act as services, the Response Node allows for sending back data or acknowledgments to external systems or triggers.

  4. Set Variable Node:Assigns or updates a variable's value within the workflow. Variables can be used to store data temporarily, pass data between nodes, or make decisions based on data conditions.

  5. Switch Block: Defines multiple execution paths based on specified conditions, similar to a switch-case statement. This control node allows different parts of the workflow to run simultaneously, providing flexibility and improving efficiency in workflow management.

Adding Control Nodes

Adding a Control Node is just the same as adding an action node which is discussed in the Overview Page under th e section "Add Node".

By effectively using Control Nodes, you can ensure your workflows are dynamic and adaptable, able to respond appropriately to various runtime situations and data states. This level of control and flexibility is what makes Nected workflows powerful for automating complex business processes.

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