Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
The Workspace in Nected is a personal area that is automatically created for each user upon logging into the dashboard. This space is where users manage their automation tasks and collaborate with team members. Key features of the Workspace include:
Personalized Space: Each user's Workspace is unique and accessible as soon as they log in. It's a central hub for managing their workflows.
Workspace Customization: Users can personalize their Workspace by changing its name to something that reflects their projects or team identity.
Team Collaboration: Invite colleagues to join the Workspace as team members. This feature facilitates collaboration on shared tasks and workflows.
Role Management: Through the RBAC system, users can assign and modify roles for team members within their Workspace, controlling access levels and permissions for different aspects of the workflows.
This Workspace is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that users can focus on their work without the need for complex setup procedures.
Workspace Name: Enter the name of your workspace
Workspace Domain: The workspace domain is automatically provided by the nected platform.
After entering these couple of details, you need to click on the save button, as soon as you click on the save button, you can see a message on your screen displaying Workspace Updated Successfully.
Under the team section, you can send an invitation by email to any of the teammate you want, for the purpose you want to enter the email address of the person and just click the send invitation button, as soon as you request is sent you can see a message on the screen showing invite sent.
The invitation remains in the pending state until it will get accepted from the receivers end, as soon as the receiver will accept the request, it will get automatically redirected to the accepted state.
The recipient will receive an email that looks like this:
To accept the invitation:
The recipient should open the invitation email from Nected.
They should click on the “Join Now” button within the email.
After clicking “Join Now”, they will be redirected to the workspace where they can start collaborating in the role that was assigned to them.
Remember to inform the invitee to look out for the email from Nected and to check their spam or junk folder if they don’t see it in their inbox.
In the invitation step, you can invite four types of individuals:
Admin: Admin are the user with the authority to create, edit, view, and delete permission for all entities within the workspace.
Approver: All access like Editor plus permission to review/approve any changes across rules , data source & workflows within workspace.
Editor: Editors are the user with the authority to create, edit, view, and delete permission for all entities within the workspace except for integrations, dataset and workspace settings.
Viewers: Viewers are the user with the authority to view for all entities within the workspace except for integrations, dataset and workspace settings.
Tech: Tech are the users with the authority to create, edit, view, and delete for all entities within the workspace except for workspace settings.
Custom Role: If a user wants to assign another user for a specific role besides the predefined roles, then they can go for the custom role option. For example: The user wants to assign one of the team member to just plan the rule conditions, so that team member will only get the access of the rules. For this kind of scenarios, user can go for Custom Role.
After sending the invitation you can change the type of the receiver or can also delete the invitation.
To change the type of the receiver, select any of the type among the four available options as shown above.
To delete the invitation just go to the type of the receiver, the last option you find is a remove option, as soon as you click the remove button the invitation gets deleted from the list of invited users.
When multiple users are working in the same workspace, Nected designates one user as the active editor and the others as non-active editor. The active editor has exclusive editing rights for the entity, while non-active editor are temporarily blocked from making changes. For more detailed info about Multiple User edits follow our documentation: Multiple Tabs/Users Edits
Last updated