Database Node

Database nodes enable interaction with different databases, allowing for a range of operations including data retrieval, data insertion, updates, and execution of stored procedures. Each type of database node—MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redshift, and MS SQL Server—has unique settings to configure, reflecting the distinct features and capabilities of the respective database systems.

Adding a Database Node

  1. Within the workflow canvas, you would typically click the '+' or 'Add Node' button to reveal the list of nodes and select the type of database node you need—be it MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redshift, etc.

  2. Choose the database node corresponding to the database you wish to interact with MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redshift, REST API, or MS SQL Server.

Configuring Database Nodes

Input Params Tab

All database nodes share a common structure in the Input Params tab.

  • Action Dropdown:

    • Choose the type of SQL query you want to execute:

      • SELECT query: for retrieving data from the database.

      • INSERT or UPDATE query: for adding or modifying data in the database.

Read about supported/non-supported queries from respective DB pages.

  • Integration Dropdown:

    • Select the database you intend to interact with from a list of preconfigured database integrations.

  • Query Field:

    • Enter the SQL query you wish to run. The syntax and capabilities will depend on the selected database type.

Test Results Tab

Here you can run tests to ensure your database node behaves as expected.

  • Testing Functionality:

    • Execute the query with a test run to observe the results or any errors that may occur, which will help in troubleshooting and validation.

Settings Tab

Adjust additional configurations for how the database node will operate within your workflow.

  • Timeout Setting:

    • Set a duration after which the database operation should time out if not completed.

  • Row Limit Setting:

    • Define the maximum number of rows to be processed during the database operation within the workflow.

  • Cache Option:

    • Determine if the results should be cached, which can improve performance for frequently run queries with unchanged results.

  • Time to Expire Setting:

    • Specify the time after which the cached data expires and can no longer be used in the workflow.

Last updated