
What is Nected

Nected is a low-code/no-code rule engine and workflow automation platform designed for product, growth, and tech teams to launch dynamic workflows fast, experiment more & iterate faster, all with the least effort. It empowers the team to realize the full potential of ideas at unprecedented speed by cutting down time to market drastically & accelerating growth.

At Nected, you can integrate all your apps in one place, build rules in the no-code editor, and sync outcomes back into your database and/or trigger code as well as any 3rd party flows via our database & API connectors.

Why Nected

Nected makes it easy to integrate all your apps & launch any rules or workflow for your customers fast, experiment more, and iterate faster, without needing much tech bandwidth. You can launch any rules or workflow in less than 30 minutes while can iterate so in less than a few minutes. It helps:

  • To fasten your time to market by >50%

  • Accelerate your iteration by 90%

  • Needing <1 hour of developer bandwidth.

We empower teams to focus just on their core product logic, by eliminating their time and effort in doing repetitive, standard as well as common tasks.

3 minutes Nected Overview

Using the Nected platform, you can connect to diverse types of databases to retrieve data from them using connectors, create datasets to write queries that will run on the databases, and create rules to perform INSERT and UPDATE operations on the database as per the rule condition. Nected also supports REST API connectors to interact with your database through a REST API server.

Nected comprise of the following major components:

  • Connect Integrations – Use connectors to connect the Nected platform with your databases, such as MongoDB, Postgres, Redshift and MySQL. You can also create connectors for a REST API to integrate with any systems supporting HTTP calls. It comes with both staging and production environments to facilitate your changes easily. Further, we also have Gsheet and Slack as no-code connectors to attach with rule and flows over Nected.

  • Unify Data via Datasets – Write custom DB queries to retrieve & unify data from your database(s) via Dataset, so as to bind it against rules. You don't have to pass any data point present is in your database and can be fetched directly from within rules.

  • Rules – Build any complex rules easily in a no-code editor setting up desired rule output. Nected supports simple rules, decision table rules, and rule sets in an intuitive interface. It also supports custom JavaScript code to define any complex or specific rule conditions as well as rule output. All Rules are exposed via APIs instantly for you to integrate seamlessly with your existing flows.

  • Rules Actions - Based on rule outcome, you can trigger database actions via our DB connector and/or trigger any REST API to invoke any of your code as well as 3rd party flows.

  • Workflows - Automate any backend flows, process stitching nodes as per desired orders using our low-code, no-code workflow editor

You can also secure access to your rules with granular permissions and audit logs, and iterate confidently with version control.

Get Started

Nected offers two flexible deployment models that you can choose from –

  1. Nected Cloud - Sign up for a free account and try Nected.

  2. On-Prem - Deploy and manage Nected Execution Engine on your local machine or private server instance.

By default, it is available in the cloud model (Software as a Service), but you can request for the on-premise model to install and configure Nected on a local server.

Connect Integrations

Integrate your Nected platform with existing data sources to pull data and push data to any destination including databases, internal APIs, and 3rd party APIs.

Data sources are essential to every application and are used to store and manage data. On Nected, you can directly connect to supported datasources and execute queries to read and write data. Nected can also seamlessly connect with most other tools through the RESTful API integration.

Unify Data via DataSets

Nected DataSet helps to unify data across the database, via database query, to attach directly as input to the rule. Using Dataset, you won't have to pass any data to rules, which are already present in your data sources but can be automatically fetched from data source while executing the rule.

Build Complex Rules

Nected's Rule engine offers an easy-to-use no-code editor to build any complex data-driven rules, integrated with your data sources, and thereafter allowing you to seamlessly execute actions on your database and/or trigger any of your internal & external flows based on rule outcome.

It supports different rule types like Simple rules, Decision tables, and Rulesets supporting numerous operators to build any complex conditions as well as set any kind of result based on matching conditions.

Once you integrate Nected Rule with DataSet via Database integration, you can define conditions that are directly run on data points in your database.

It also supports customJS code to write any specific as well as complex conditions that are not possible to write in no-code editor, but without leaving no-code editor.

Trigger Rule Actions

You can add any actions based on rule outcome to sync outcome or trigger any flow in your internal or 3rd party systems via our DB and API connectors.

You can use tokenized parameters to pass inside these connectors so as to build the query or payload accordingly.

Rules help you perform bulk database updates to ensure secure, quick, and accurate insert/update. You can also add a REST API connector using the Add Action option to invoke any of your HTTP-based internal as well as 3rd party APIs.

Build Complex Workflow

You can build any complex workflow calling rules in any order, one after another or even enriching rule with any internal / external data via our Database and API connectors

Output of the node can be used in any of the subsequent nodes to map out the flow.

You can use tokenized parameters to pass inside these connectors to build the query or payload accordingly.

Last updated