Response Node

The Response node is a fundamental component in workflow design, especially in API workflows, facilitating the transmission of data back to the caller.


  • Sending Responses: The primary function of the Response node is to send data back to the caller of the workflow.

  • Integration with API Workflows: It is particularly useful in API workflows where returning data to the requester is essential.

Behavior in Workflows

  • Flow Termination: Adding a Response node effectively terminates the flow above it.

  • Introduction of Delay Node: Upon adding a Response node in the middle of a flow, a Delay node is automatically appended immediately after it.

Reason: This design choice ensures that anything added after the Delay node will run asynchronously within the workflow.

Integration of Response Node in Workflows

  1. Configure the node by specifying the data to be returned to the caller (method). Configuring the input params is just the same as the step 3 in Set Variable.

  2. Click on the Test button to ensure that the data being returned through the Response node is communicated and conforms to the expected format.

Consideration: While using the Response node, it's essential to consider the flow termination behaviour and the introduction of the Delay node for proper workflow management.

Also, a delay node will be added automatically after the response creation.

To read more about delay nodes follow this doc.


The Response node serves as a vital component in workflow design, facilitating seamless communication between workflows and their callers, particularly in API environments.

Last updated