
Integrate your Nected platform with existing data sources to pull data and push data to any destination including databases, internal APIs as well as 3rd party APIs.

Data sources are essential to every application and are used to store and manage data. On Nected, you can directly connect to supported datasources and execute queries to read and write data. Nected can also seamlessly connect with most other tools through the RESTful API integration.


Nected encrypts all your datasource credentials and stores them securely. We also don't store any data returned from your datasources and act only as a proxy layer to orchestrate the execution of queries. Additionally, you can self-host Nected to ensure that no data leaves your machine or VPC. For more information, see Security.

Integrations connected and configured within an application can be accessed by all other applications in the same workspace, depending on the user's roles and access permissions.

Nected provides a pre-configured read-only database connector, named Demo-MySQL-Connector, for a MySQL database. Click the Connected button to check the configuration values for this connector. You cannot modify the pre-configured demo connector.

Setting up New Integration:

  1. Log into your Nected account and select Integrations.

  2. Click + Connect button for the connector type that you want to integrate with Nected.

  3. Enter the integration, following the configuration steps mentioned in Integration libraries as per corresponding integrations. Click Test Connection.

  4. Publish your connector to Staging or Production, based on your environment.

You must test the integration connection before you can publish it in the desired environment. If the connection is established successfully, you can publish the integration and use it in Nected Datasets and Rules.


Integrations are required to be tested in each environment and can be published separately. While Rules and Dataset are published in both environments every time.

In the current release, Nected supports the following six types of integrations:

  1. MongoDB – A document database that stores data in a JSON format, known as BSON. This can be integrated as a connector and can be used in a dataset or in a rule action.

  2. MySQL – An open-source RDBMS, which is based on the Structured Query Language. This can be integrated as a connector and can be used in a dataset or in a rule action.

  3. Postgres – A free and open-source object-oriented RDBMS used by various web and analytical applications. This can be integrated as a connector and can be used in a dataset or in a rule action.

  4. Redshift - AWS Redshift designed tohandle large-scale data sets and complex queries using SQL. This can be integrated as a connector and can be used as data source via dataset or in a rule action to insert/update any data back.

  5. REST API – A web service with a REST API contract that can be integrated as a connector, and can be used from rule action.

  6. Google Sheets - Use Gsheet as your database to be used in the rule directly, as well as take actions to insert, update or change your spreadsheet as part of rule action.

Note: If using Nected cloud, Nected IP address ( must be added to the allow-list on your database server to secure your connections. Not required in on-premise setup

Integration Status

A connector has four states, based on the current configuration of the connector:

StateDescriptionUsable in


Connector is in the process of being set up and configured. It has not yet been fully established or activated Or Integration edited but not tested

Changes wouldn't be reflected in any dataset or rule until you publish again

Connected (Staging)

Connector is successfully tested and published in Staging Env. It is ready for further configuration and use.

Draft, Tested, and Published datasets in Staging env

Draft, Tested, and Published rules in Staging env

Connected (Production)

Connector is successfully tested and published in Production Env. It is ready for further configuration and use.

Published datasets.

Published rules.


No Integration Present

Refer to State Combinations to know more about possible combinations of connectors, datasets, and rules.

The following figure shows three database connector states:


Staging and production are environments on which those connectors are published or to be published. Based on each status, the environment is chosen accordingly.

Every connection must be first tested and published to Staging or Production.

After you successfully publish the database connector, you can use it via Dataset to unify data & attach it as input to the Rules. Further, you can use any database/API connector to trigger any internal or 3rd party flow as part of Rule Actions.

Last updated