Integrations Libraries

Nected is designed to streamline data management and enhance workflow automation through its robust integration capabilities. The platform supports a variety of databases and third-party services, allowing users to connect their existing systems effortlessly. Below is a detailed overview of the pre-built integrations available with Nected:

Supported Databases

  • Postgres: A powerful open-source relational database that supports advanced data types and performance optimization.

  • MySQL: A widely-used open-source relational database management system that is known for its reliability and ease of use.

  • MS SQL Server: A comprehensive database management system developed by Microsoft, ideal for enterprise-level applications.

  • MongoDB: A NoSQL document database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like formats, making it suitable for applications requiring scalability and performance.

  • RedShift: An Amazon Web Services (AWS) data warehouse solution designed for large-scale data analytics, allowing users to run complex queries efficiently.

  • Oracle: A robust and secure relational database management system known for its enterprise-grade features and scalability.

  • Snowflake: A cloud-based data warehousing service that provides high performance, scalability, and concurrency for data analytics.

API and Third-Party Integrations

  • REST API: Nected allows seamless integration with any external system via RESTful APIs, enabling users to connect with various services and automate workflows.

  • Google Sheets: Users can utilize Google Sheets as a dynamic database, allowing for easy data manipulation and updates directly from Nected workflows.

  • Slack: Integration with Slack facilitates real-time communication and notifications, enhancing team collaboration and responsiveness.

Nected's integration framework is designed to be user-friendly, enabling both technical and non-technical users to set up and manage connections without extensive coding knowledge. This flexibility enhances productivity and ensures that organizations can leverage their existing data sources effectively.

Last updated