Pre-Configured Operators

Nected provides various pre-configured operators that you can use with SimpleRules and DecisionTables.

The following table lists all the pre-configured operators and their available values.

Table 3: Pre-Configured Operators


  1. Any

  2. Exists

  3. Doesn’t Exist

  4. Is Null

  5. Is not Null


  1. Between

  2. Not Between

  3. Equals

  4. Not Equals

  5. Greater than

  6. Less than

  7. Greater than or equals

  8. Less than or equals

  9. Is Even

  10. Is Not Even


  1. Equals

  2. Not Equals

  3. Contains

  4. Does not Contains

  5. Starts With

  6. Does not start with

  7. Ends with

  8. Doesn’t Ends with

  9. Is IN

  10. IS NOT IN

  11. Is Empty

  12. is not Empty

Dates or DateTime

  1. Between

  2. Not Between

  3. Equals

  4. Not Equals

  5. Greater than

  6. Less than

  7. Greater than or equals

  8. Less than or equals


  1. Is False

  2. Is True


  1. Empty

  2. Not Empty

  3. In

  4. Not in

  5. Contains

  6. Not Contains

  7. Match All

  8. Not Match All

  9. Equals

  10. Not equals

  11. ContainsIn

  12. Not ContainsIn

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